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MapLink™ Procedures | Off-Street Parking Requirements

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Off-Street Parking Requirements
The Planning Board shall be the determining authority in the event of a conflict in interpretation as to the category of the principal use, or as to the gross floor (or open lot) area in a given use.

Where the computation of required spaces results in a fractional number, a fraction of one-half or more shall be counted as one.

The aggregate number of spaces required for each of several uses separately may be provided on a common parking lot serving all of these uses. Projects in close proximity to one another are encouraged to provide shared parking plans that meet the individual requirements per § 155-6.01(b) across multiple properties by special permit. Developers are also encouraged to "unbundle" parking by separating the cost of parking from the cost of ownership or rental.

Where it can be demonstrated that the combined peak parking needs of all the uses sharing the lot will, because of differences in peak hours or days, be less than required by § 155-6.01(b), the number of parking spaces to be provided may be reduced accordingly by Special Permit.

Developments that encourage the use of alternate modes of transportation may be eligible to receive a reduction of the required amount of automobile parking spaces by Special Permit. This credit may be achieved by demonstrating a reduced demand for automobile parking by the encouragement of cycling, walking, car sharing, and use of public transit. The reduced parking requirement shall correspond to the reduced automobile parking demand, but in no case shall exceed 25%.

Required off-street parking areas shall be provided on the same lot they serve, except that the SPGA may grant a special permit for off-street parking areas to be provided on another lot; and any such parking lot shall not be otherwise used or diminished in size unless the SPGA finds the lot is no longer required by the principal use it serves.

For projects subject to a special permit, the SPGA may permit the applicant to indicate on an approved site plan where up to 20% of the required parking can legally be built but not be required to be built (shadow parking) to receive an occupancy permit. All or portions of said shadow parking may be required to be built out as shown if at any time the SPGA by a majority vote, deem it appropriate to do so. All allowed shadow parking areas shall be designed and maintained as naturally vegetated open space.

Residential and mixed-use developments required to provide 50 or more parking spaces per § 155-6.01(b) are required to provide a minimum of one parking space with an additional one parking space per 15 spaces, up to a maximum of three spaces, designated for a car sharing program. In all developments requiring more than 100 parking spaces per § 155-6.01(b), two electric vehicle charging stations shall be provided, with an additional one charging station per 50 additional parking spaces thereafter up to a maximum of five charging stations. These parking spaces shall be counted towards the total number required by § 155-6.01(b). These requirements may be met through an approved shared parking plan with an adjacent property per Special Permit.

No structure constructed, or use instituted, prior to 1988 shall be required to meet the off-street parking requirements per § 155-6.01(b) unless there is a substantial change in the structure or in the use of the structure or land.

For purpose of this section, "change" means any enlargement, conversion or alteration in structure or use. A "substantial change" means more than a 40% difference between (a) and (b) as follows: (a) the number of parking spaces required under the current Zoning for the structure or use, as it existed in 1988, and (b) the number of parking spaces required under the current Zoning for the proposed structure or use. [Substantial change: b - a = c, if c/a > .40 (40%)]
1. If the change is not a substantial change, no additional off-street parking is required.
2. If the change is a substantial change, the use must comply with the net increase in parking demand of the entire structure or use.