In any Residential District or with respect to any residential use in the I-3 District and the RMUD, no sign or other advertising device shall be permitted except as follows:
(a) One identifying sign displaying the street number or name of the occupant of the premises, or both, not exceeding two square feet in area. Such sign may include identification of a permitted accessory professional use and identify other permitted accessory uses including a customary home occupation.
(b) One identifying sign for permitted non-conforming use, not exceeding 10 square feet in area.
(c) Two identification signs are permitted on each building for churches and institutions, one not exceeding 20 square feet in area and one not exceeding 10 square feet in area.
Additionally, in the R.75 or R1.2 Districts, or with respect to any residential use in the I-3 District and the RMUD, no sign or other advertising device shall be permitted except as follows:
One identifying sign in connection with a lawfully maintained non-conforming use, not exceeding 20 square feet in area.
In any NB, LB, CB, I, RMUD, and PSCD district, no on premise sign or advertising device shall be permitted except as follows:.
(a) As permitted in S-10, S-6, SC, CR, T, OSC, R.75 and R1.2 districts. (See above)
(b) One identifying sign for each building or tenant occupancy frontage facing a street, parking lot, or public way. In addition, one free standing sign may be allowed on a lot for each street frontage of the lot, provided it is set back to at least one half the depth of the required setback in that district. In the case of a free standing pole or pylon sign, said identifying sign may be up to 16 square feet or 32 square feet in the case of a monument sign. If a wall or marquee sign, said identifying sign may be up to 5% of the area of the wall or building facade. The dimensions used in calculating this percentage shall be the horizontal measure of the occupancy frontage of the business and the vertical measurement of the building not exceeding the top of the second story of the building facade (also see (d)). The accessory signage calculation shall be based upon the 5% of the wall area or building facade allowed for an identifying sign.
For RMUD Exceptions, see
§ 155-7.06(b)(1).
In the case of a single story structure, paragraphs
(b) and
(c) or the following may be applied. One identifying wall or marquee sign may be up to 10% of the area of the wall or building facade. The dimensions used in calculating this percentage shall be the horizontal measure of the frontage of the business and the vertical measure to the roof or parapet line. This option excludes the use of any accessory sign(s).